You may request all the tasks you would like on our mobile app! The app is available on the Apple Store and Google Play Store for free. Search “Friendly Neighbor Services” or simply “FNS”
THE PROCESS: Select the task you are interested in, indicate when and where you want it done, upload some pictures with notes, then boom! You are then given a rate and can submit it to FNS. Once it has been submitted, Providers in the local area get a push notification, and are then able to show interest in the task if it fits their schedule and experience. The customer is then able to hire a Provider based on their ratings, past jobs completed on the app, bio, and more.
If you do not have a device capable of requesting a service, simply send us a message with what you are looking to have completed, your address, and we will get right back to you with a free estimate!
Once the Provider has completed the task, that Provider will enter the amount of time it took to complete the task into the Friendly Neighbor Services app which will then generate the invoice. That invoice will be sent to the customer for approval. If everything looks good, the Customer pays through the app via credit card on our credit card processing partner (Stripe Inc.) and rates the Provider.
Great news! This happens almost every job, so we introduced the “STARS” system where you can “STAR” your Provider and click “REHIRE” on his/her profile when you have more tasks available. We encourage this!
With the Friendly Neighbor Services App, you will find the best rates guaranteed for all 300+ of our tasks! Providers keep exactly what they see the task post for too, there are no additional, monthly, or startup fees! FNS makes sure to give Providers the best platform in every way possible, as well as for the Customers. We are here for you!
Yes! Upon signing up, Providers choose the services they are experienced in, and have the equipment for. Providers are responsible for bringing their own equipment, unless discussed with the Customer before arriving in “Messages”
Customers are responsible for having the supplies though (mulch, paint, etc.) unless other-wise discussed in the app. Most Providers can deliver supplies if you ask, but there may be a small fee dependant on the Provider.
Yes! Customers can request same day completion, and if that is not quick enough, you can request a Provider arrive within that same hour or two.
You can become a Provider on the Friendly Neighbor Services app by signing up on the app and choosing the “Provider” role. After signing up, you have to complete five steps found on your profile to be able to show interest in your first task. This includes Providers Training, selecting the task categories you are interested in providing, inserting your withdraw method, and more.
Providers and Customers are able to communicate through the “Chat” screen once that Customer selects a Provider, and it stays accessible after tasks are completed so you can hire that provider again in the future.
Providers get notified when services they are experienced in are posted within a 15-mile radius.
Customers have the luxury of being able to hire from highly rated Providers with before/after pictures of past jobs on the app, reviews, and more. You may also ask your provider about their experience through the chat!
When Providers complete a service for a Customer, that Customer is able to mark them as a starred Provider which gets added to the “Stars” section. Customers are then able to invite their starred Providers to view their future available services.
In order to protect the Friendly Neighbor Services community at this time, all tasks are currently contactless. By uploading a task, you and your Provider agree to:
Maintain a safe separation of six feet/two meters (social distancing)
Follow all applicable public health guidelines and regulations.
- Wear masks’ accordingly
- Discuss all instructions and details through the app’s chat
We still want to serve you! Please text 410-302-2688 or email us at the task(s) you are requesting and we will do our best to provide the same quality of service!
Please send us the following:
-What you need help with
-When you need it done by
-Address and pictures if able
And that’s it! Talk to you soon 🙂